exVim is a package integrate ex-vim-plugins, 3rd-vim-plugins and external-tools for developing. By solving the complex communication problem among plugins, external tools, the exVim make the vim as an IDE like environment all in vimscript.
With exVim you can:
use one single file your_project.vimentry to access your project.
update tags, IDs and other things you used in your project in one command.
browse project files in project window.
search files, tags, and words in source code by the builtin method.
a powful way to filter search result.
trace your code by jump stack.
reading code easily by word highlight and macro highlight.
view classes hierarchy pictures.
compile project in vc/gcc and get error results from them directly through vim.
enhanced quick-fix window.
communicate with visual studio — get build errors, open files, add break point and send command make vs.net compiling current file.